
Oratory is the ability, art, skill, or technique to speak and express yourself publicly eloquently, to influence, persuade, or move the audience.


In terms of aniterative process, Oratorydynamically relates the following 4 key components:


For its articulation, it integrates 7 different and complementary moments:


1 -Opening Line: it must be of high impact, generate suspense and synthetic. For example: A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... (Star Wars, 1977);


2 -Speaker Presentation: includes the name, profession, his / her work area plus some personal details aimed at generating empathy between the speaker and the audience;


3 -Contextualization: the theme announced in the opening line will be presented and supported by an image, an example, an anecdote or a quote, for which different formats can be used (text, text + image, audiovisual material);


4 -Quantitative Argumental Reinforcement: to reinforce the point that the theme of our talk / conference tries to build as a message, it is convenient to present figures, statistics, data, study results, etc. that brings quantitative support to our statements;


5 -Create a Moment:at this point in the presentation, there will be a dramatic pause that aims to create an environment that facilitates the emotional association of our audience's experiences with the theme presented, seeking to generate group empathy.


6 -Crescendo: synthetic and conclusive affirmation of the subject exposed in a dynamictransition that is represented from the use of a progressive increase in the gestural and vocal intensity of the speaker, and that can also be accompanied by inspiring images that synthesize the thematic intention.


7 -Closure: refers to the farewell to the talk, which must include in its content and in its gestural and verbal accompaniment a dynamic balance between formality and high significance to contribute to the remembrance of our exhibition.


It is important to bear in mind the quality of our presentation, since it will be sustaining our talk / conference. We must consider these 5 simple, yet effective Tips:


1 - Topic: choose ONE clear and specific topic and develop it during the presentation.


2 - Audiences: it is important to know the type of audience to whom we are going to address to and design the presentation accordingly.


3 - Text, Images and Graphics: it is recommended to avoid using large amount of text. The images must be of good quality and from a free source or their own to avoid watermarks and copyright issues. If using graphics, color contrast is vital to differentiate each set of data represented.


4 - Interaction with the Presentation: you should always avoid reading the content of the slides literally.


5 - Use of Voice / Style: the relationship between the tone and the rhythm of the voice must be related to each moment of the exposition and its content.


Humor can also be used as an element to reinforce attention, empathy, etc. For this, it is always important not to lose sight of the particular characteristics of the “joke” and be careful of the unwanted impact that this resource can generate when it is not effective. Humor, like love, happens, so you should always avoid forced situations.


Since the second decade of the 21st century, oratory had TED talks as a massive channel and its design is taken as a reference and established as a global standard. This and other audiovisual channels have contributed to making public speaking efficient and effective today, both in person and online: the most important  adviceis to keep on training

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