Event Organization

In contemporary Organizations, holding different types of events has become a way of sharing values and issues about organizational culture. The success of these special events depends on proper planning and good coordination among all the parts of the organization involved in achieving the proposed objectives.


When referring to events in general, all the special events that take place throughout our social life (Weddings, Birthdays, Religious celebrations, etc) should be included. However Corporate Events differ from all the previous ones.


A Corporate Event or an Internal Event is a special one that an organization carries out to meet different objectives proposed at both: external and internal communication levels.


In the organization of Corporate Events a set of tools and techniques are used and combined to encourage the personal and direct interaction of an organization with its external and internal publics, in order to add value to its corporate image.


In “social” events the main purpose is basically to entertain family members and friends providing high level of comfort and fun. Corporate Events should also consider these matters that will remain in the memory of the audience together with plenty of unforgettable anecdotes.


However, unlike social events, Corporate Events require an overall atmosphere that should be related to the deepest shared values and experiences of the members of the organization. Thus, while having a pleasant moment with colleagues, partners or stakeholders, the organization will be working on the optimization of its image and profile.


Some of these Corporate Events are: Corporate Meetings, Assemblies, Conferences, Lectures, Congresses, Conventions, Exhibitions, Fairs, Open Days, Round Tables, Debating panels, Seminars, Symposiums, Workshops, etc.


The primary value of these activities is not to provide information about the event itself through the mass media, but to achieve a direct contact with its publics, without intermediaries, to strengthen bonds between them and the organization.


In this context, it should be clear that any corporate event will require plenty of work and commitment of the entire team working on the organization, as well as a careful planning in which the purposes of the event, its feasibility and viability should be outlined together with the costs and benefits that its implementation will report to the organization.


Thus, a Corporate Event Planner should be able to perform the planning, management and programming of an event, making a proper business communication strategy from the conception to the evaluation, going through the design, implementation, financial management and logistics, according to the ceremonial and protocol guidelines of each type of events mentioned before.

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