
Digital world brings with it a number of opportunities for Communication and Education. For example, going beyond traditional texts to hypertext building games or from traditional media to a multimedia space means a revolution in technology and in possible related learning.


E-Learning treated as a learning experience that integrates Technical Training, Communication Skills and the latest Multimedia technology applied to the user’s development and engagement with self-learning for Professional Development, wherever they work, is an interesting tool for Communication in Education.


Reducing training time and thus increasing savings in man hours, travel and logistics expenses are some of its benefits.


Therefore, with this technology it is much easier to develop customized solutions according to organizational training requirements. It also reduces costs: investing in only one system enables to train people many times, in the most convenient times for users, in simulated environments that promote "learning in practice", with proper personalized monitoring of each participant improving motivation and productivity of the human resources and the overall performance of the organization.


Paradoxically, in this context educators play a key role in designing, following up and teaching to facilitate meaningful learning and not mere entertainment. Communicologists have a wide universe of pedagogical tools to enrich educational proposals, to integrate Theory and Practice, to give unity of meaning without losing diversity of points of view and approaches, etc.


When somebody has completed his formal education - whatever the level reached - this doesn’t mean that he has nothing else to learn, on the contrary, he has just undertaken a new path. This path leads to Permanent Training in the use of media and modalities studied at each stage of his training to keep on learning. In contemporary organizations’ context, these skills are key to keep updated in accordance with market demands.


When promoting educational uses of technology, Communicologists – working together with interdisciplinary teams of professionals in education- should be committed to encourage permanent education and contribute to optimize staff and organizations’ ability to use the richest human and technological resources applied to development and democratization of knowledge.

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